All posts by ekd

Super Simple Sculpture

Super Simple Sculpture
E*graphics are so lightweight, almost anything can be used for a base, even an acorn cap.

I’ve created an advanced class for encaustigraphics that carries the medium into moveable and three dimensional forms. One of my favorite new ways to play with e*graphics is Super Simple Sculpture, where the light weight of e*graphics allows you to use almost anything as a base. Here, driftwood and a small stone, or even an acorn cap, with light wire support, allow free improvisation to experiment with ideas and make a small village of playful artworks.

Big Kiss (+ a hug)

I’ve been intrigued with the possibilities of remesh (the steel grid material used to reinforce concrete forms), so I purchased some to play with. After cutting the large piece into various frame shapes, I found creating the digital files to fit was its own challenge, but I was pleased with this first try. Each square opening is 6″ and the “hug” is a retention ring (found on the inside of hubcaps). Found materials are always a fun way to stretch the imagination.

Big Kiss, made from encaustigraphics sewn onto a remesh frame
Big Kiss— encaustigraphics sewn onto a remesh frame, with an added “hug” from a hubcab retention ring.
"Big Kiss" hanging outdoors.
“Big Kiss” hanging outdoors. Encaustigraphics sewn on frame made from remesh and added retention ring “hug.”

Tiny Trees

Ever experimenting… these tiny trees have braised copper trunks and branches with small e*graphic leaves attached by very fine copper wire. Definitely an exercise in control and patience, but very satisfying results.

Pink-leaf tiny tree
Tiny tree, about 5″ tall, made from thick braised copper wire and small e*graphic leaves attached by fine copper wire.
Yellow-leaf tiny tree
A second tiny tree with trunk and branches formed from thick, braised copper wire and small e*graphic leaves attached with fine copper wire. About 5″ tall, and arranged on driftwood with stone stacks and a tiny halo house.

Work in Permanent Collection of EAINM

I’m honored to have my work included in the Permanent Collection of Museum of Encaustic Arts, part of the Encaustic Art Institute of New Mexico, located in Santa Fe. Titled VLA (for “very luminous array,” a nod to the Very Large Array in Socorro, New Mexico), it was thrilling to see them installed for others to enjoy. The pieces are made from shaped and sewn encaustigraphs, copper or steel wire, and finials of translucent polymer clay in braised copper circles. Lengths vary from 66 to 72″.

VLA—a “very luminous array” of five e*graphic suspensions, now in the Permanent Collection of the Encaustic Art Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Very Luminous Array
VLA, or Very Luminous Array, a group of five encaustigraphic suspensions, now in the Permanent Collection of the Encaustic Art Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Snow fun

Just for fun… e*graphic suspensions with a companion cairn in the snow.

A little picture of e*graphics out in the natural world, just for fun. I do love the colors against the snow. It’s wonderful to be able to add color to the surroundings when in the midst of grey and cold.

Still growing…

Me with my largest works to date—human sized!

Thanks to my friend Jean who took this photo before the BIG snows fell in Michigan. It’s been quite fun to see how e*graphics can be used in very large works, as well as in the smaller, more intimate forms of jewelry, books and window sculpture.



Creating ever taller suspensions— I love the way previous work can be used with recently created pieces and reconfigured in infinite new combinations.

Very Luminous Array prototype

The tallest e*graphics grouping to date! Catching the glow of the afternoon sun, these suspensions measure over 6′. {Note: these were the first of the creations that eventually evolved into VLA (Very Luminous Array) installation I created for the Permanent Collection of the Encaustic Art Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico. See how the final piece turned out here.}

E*graphic suspension array
A gathering of e*graphic suspensions in the afternoon light.

Early Light

Photographing e*graphics can be tricky… they come alive when the light shines through them, but that same illumination can take over the light meter on a camera. Early and late light (along with using the camera’s manual settings) offer moments to capture a creation at its best and this morning’s sun cooperated beautifully.

Early morning light illuminates an e*graphic suspension
Early morning light illuminates an e*graphic suspension