This new suspension was just sent off to the Encaustic Art Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I’m very excited to have this piece, titled “Joyful,” on display. Attachment points are sewn with fishing swivels to give it more movement, with the circumference of the top portion at 4.5″, and an overall length of 48″, giving it a long, graceful look.
E*graphics out-of-doors! I’ve found they can fly pretty vigorously in strong winds, so I used painted stones for some additional weight at the bottom. Love when the light comes through them as they spin in the breeze.
Still working on improving e*graphic feathers… getting closer! These are sewn to hand-formed copper quills and can stand on their own, which offers some fun display options.
For each of my holiday greetings this year, I enclosed a snowflake made from e*graphic material using a plotcutting device. The material worked beautifully with the blade and the resulting forms feel magical, suspended from lights using a single silver thread.
Here’s a mobile using a different type of attachment system that lets the components “grow” upward from a single weighted point. It’s a great form to use with e*graphics since almost anything is heavier than they are—the piece giving weight in this example is just a simple wire pod covered with Japanese tissue, plus a small silver coil with polymer bead, and an e*graphic tail.
I was asked to submit an artwork for the University of Michigan Health System Employee Show as a family member. Since the first version of Sunflower House was 21″ tall and the height limit for this was 16″, I made a smaller version to send to Ann Arbor. It was an interesting exercise in recreating an artwork, but luckily e*graphics gives the ability to do that! A nice side benefit of the process…
I’ve been having a lot of fun learning to create mobiles using music wire and encaustigraphics. They’re a perfect pairing of strength and lightweight color.
Evening sun illuminates an 18″ driftwood construction framing a large encaustigraphic with a beautiful sunflower and its spiral seedhead. Small additions at the base made from glow in the dark polymer clay, and the shadow of a mobile punctuates the front.
The creative impulse can leave me laughing sometimes… I love to put random pieces of leftover stuff together and this is one that caught my eye today. Even on a cloudy day, e*graphic material is luminous, and this funny construction also highlights how very lightweight it is. With only a dried acorn cap as a base, and a hastily wound piece of leftover copper wire as a support, a small nosegay of color is held jauntily in the air. Magic!